
Historical markers tell the tale of Texas history

"Not to mention a roadside roll call of mostly forgotten massacres that would be global sensations if they happened today." Read more here: Genocide is deep in the dark heart of Texas. Texas highways have more monuments and plaques, aka ‘road-side history’, which document the settler Texan society’s methods for accumulating capital: land, raw resources, and subjugated labour to refine and distribute earth and bodies as commodities into the market.  In a most sinister and brazen way, Texas highways and roads demonstrate an obsession to glorifying killing societies who got away with atrocity and the mass theft, chilling overthrow, and illegitimate seizure of Indigenous peoples’ sovereign territories, knowledge systems, and raw resources.  Exterminated, mutilated, decapitated, lynched, burned, and deported ‘Indians’ and ‘Mexicans’ is a catch all for anti-Indigenous nation...

The role of Indigenous researchers whose communities are targeted in the post 9/11 re-colonization

Margo Tam e z: An Indigenous Perspective on the United States' human rights violations against Indigenous peoples from the bifurcated Texas-Mexico b order region and the uses of the UNDRIP by Indigenous pe oples, acad emic researchers and human rights legal teams . See the vimeo by Social Anthropologist, Melanie Nielsen Emonet :  "Intervention by Margo Taméz, Lipan Apache, during the 5th session of the Expert Mechanism of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples at the UN in Geneva." Margo Taméz: An Indigenous Perspective upon the Texas-Mexico Border from Melanie Nielsen Emonet on Vimeo here :  .
Indigenous Embodiment of Governance--From Margins to Center : At the conclusion of a final exam in the INDG 302: Indigenous Perspectives of Governance, Indigenous peoples integrated Indigenous pedagogical and ontological practices into the Indigenous Governance classroom putting complex theory into action.  After a  three hour exam, conducted as a traditional Indigenous council and decision-making council, which included sharing food, stories, and emotional testimonies, the lighting of sacred sage and smudging the space to purify the room of any negativity that might harm future persons occupying the room was conducted. In doing so, Indigenous peoples integrated a founding pillar of Indigenous knowledge systems deemed a core tenet of Indigenous epistemological and ontological systems.  In doing so, Indigenous peoples may have set off a number of micro to macro reactions of fear, bias, and ignorance among individuals and groups within the university system, who perceive ...


    MARGO TAMEZ Dagotee gozhonihii (Nde') Joy all around you (English) Deseo a usted lo mejor y alegria (Spanish)  Citizenship Nde' ('Lipan Apache') , Goschishnde' (Lightning Clan) Lower Rio Grande River (El Calaboz Rancheria) Suma-Nde' ('Jumano Apache'), (Red Painted People) , Middle-Upper Rio Grande River, West Texas (El Polvo, El Mesquite, El Conejo, El Mulato Chihuahua)  PhD, American Studies Program Washington State University Pullman, Washington Contact Current and On-Going Interests Human Rights , Militarization, UN DRIP, Indigenous Women, Indigenous Governance, Doctrine of Discovery, Indigenous Autonomy & Self-Determination Movements Lipan Apache Women Defense Research Partners Teresa Leal Lori Riddle   Currently Revising Manuscript Nádasi’né’ nde' isdzáné begoz'aahi' shimaa shini' gokal Gową goshjaa ha’áná’idiłí texas-nakaiyé godesdzog [Translation: Ret...

Quote of the day: (or archiving of a historical cluster of words)

"there is no singular epiphany"... "it’s more than a dream, actually. It’s been realized. It will be a new standard that, I hope, will apply to every intellectual work, a consistent way of naming every piece of intellectual creation" JA: That’s right, and the idea is to create an intellectual robustness. So if you think about citations when using URLs, if we make an intellectual work, we stand on the shoulders of giants, which we all do, and we cite our influences in some way—not necessarily in a formal academic sense, but we simply refer to them by linking to the original thing you were looking at. URLs are an example of how we become intellectually dependent on this citation mechanism. But if that citation mechanism is actually like plasticine, and it is decaying all around us—if oligarchs and billionaires are in there ripping out bits of history, or connections between one part of history and another, because it interferes with their agenda—then the in...

DECOLONIZE U.S. BRDR PRZNZ : #4, SERIES, FROM indigenous brdr narratives after the wall

To experience the community lands in the current period is to merely peer through and above the narrow gaps of thick steel bars. Indigenous peoples are being prevented access and movement to, from and across customary lands, and cultural property by U.S. legislation. Indigenous peoples’ concerted efforts to challenge the legality of U.S. deathscapes and settler ecologies/economies of war: “i.e.: a technology-saturated ‘roof’ of militarized airspace, filled with satellites, space debris plummeting down and being vaporated by NASA Space Engineers in Florida stadium lights, and agents stalking indigenous women under cover, in the dark, infrared radar, watch towers, drones, unmanned spy aircraft, and cyber information sharing crackdowns, spearheaded through the “Virtual Border Neighborhood Watch Program”, “border radio interoperability”, the “Texas Data Exchange” programs, and “K-9 units” [1] demands a critical genocide analysis in the conte...


nobody can hear us by this wall History and Memory Twin Monster Slayers Twin Dons Twin Patrons Twin Caciques Twin Chiefs Twin Mischiefs Twin Mister Chiefs Palpable containments Carceral aspects Punative suspects Research assets Nde' pain Compressed, stolen, Steel Wall Enclosure enclosed her Memory and Repression doesn't even leave pulp behind when it consumes us