
Showing posts from 2011

Quote of the day: (or archiving of a historical cluster of words)

"there is no singular epiphany"... "it’s more than a dream, actually. It’s been realized. It will be a new standard that, I hope, will apply to every intellectual work, a consistent way of naming every piece of intellectual creation" JA: That’s right, and the idea is to create an intellectual robustness. So if you think about citations when using URLs, if we make an intellectual work, we stand on the shoulders of giants, which we all do, and we cite our influences in some way—not necessarily in a formal academic sense, but we simply refer to them by linking to the original thing you were looking at. URLs are an example of how we become intellectually dependent on this citation mechanism. But if that citation mechanism is actually like plasticine, and it is decaying all around us—if oligarchs and billionaires are in there ripping out bits of history, or connections between one part of history and another, because it interferes with their agenda—then the in...

DECOLONIZE U.S. BRDR PRZNZ : #4, SERIES, FROM indigenous brdr narratives after the wall

To experience the community lands in the current period is to merely peer through and above the narrow gaps of thick steel bars. Indigenous peoples are being prevented access and movement to, from and across customary lands, and cultural property by U.S. legislation. Indigenous peoples’ concerted efforts to challenge the legality of U.S. deathscapes and settler ecologies/economies of war: “i.e.: a technology-saturated ‘roof’ of militarized airspace, filled with satellites, space debris plummeting down and being vaporated by NASA Space Engineers in Florida stadium lights, and agents stalking indigenous women under cover, in the dark, infrared radar, watch towers, drones, unmanned spy aircraft, and cyber information sharing crackdowns, spearheaded through the “Virtual Border Neighborhood Watch Program”, “border radio interoperability”, the “Texas Data Exchange” programs, and “K-9 units” [1] demands a critical genocide analysis in the conte...


nobody can hear us by this wall History and Memory Twin Monster Slayers Twin Dons Twin Patrons Twin Caciques Twin Chiefs Twin Mischiefs Twin Mister Chiefs Palpable containments Carceral aspects Punative suspects Research assets Nde' pain Compressed, stolen, Steel Wall Enclosure enclosed her Memory and Repression doesn't even leave pulp behind when it consumes us

Human Rights, Indigenous Women, Re-Making Memory

RAVEN EYE, book review , by William Arce Excerpt: "The emphasis on "revolution" and "women" is at stake throughout the whole text. ... the women in the "rez" find themselves under the dual oppression of their men and of white society." "The last poems are especially moving in their range and scope. Elements of lost history, forgiveness, spirittual healing and the omnipotent power of memory ore resurrected: "Raen knows/Raven breaths"...